Furniture manufacturing

Furniture manufacturing

Furniture manufacturing

Convenience and convenience are at the forefront of furniture. In small houses, because the volume needs to be evaluated well, clothes cabinets are made to accommodate the most clothes. closed for storage. Book cabinets usually do not have covers. Dining tables can be grown and sized to accommodate enough chairs under them. Sofas and sofas can be extended and used as a bed if necessary.

4920   Read Times
25   Eyl   2019

Modern furniture art, as in other styles, shows differences in different countries, specific to that country. For example; The main characteristics of the Scandinavian modern style are the open-sided seats, the feet directly attached to the body, and the mid-tapered intermediate records placed to reinforce these feet. The front and rear head restraints are carried on the chairs.

Today, the need for furniture has increased so much that, especially in offices, schools, hospitals, hotels, cinemas, more durable furniture making is a necessity. This necessity has accelerated the trend towards metal frame furniture in recent years. Square, rectangular or circular cross-section, steel, special furniture pipe, the frame of the cabinets, chairs and legs of the legs are prepared and bolts are attached to this frame, so that more durable and cheaper furniture is provided to the general use.

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